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COMMUNITY - Courier Texas

Making it in DFW: Meet Caazena Hunter of Pleasant Grove & Cedar Hill

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Surviving in DFW is a lot harder than it used to be. Area residents have had to hustle and reassess values to thrive in what was once a low-cost metropolis.
COMMUNITY - Courier Texas

How a Denton divorce could imperil IVF access in Texas

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A Denton couple fought for frozen embryos in a divorce and the conclusion hinged upon if the embryos were defined as human life.
COMMUNITY - Courier Texas

Here’s how 7 DFW cities and neighborhoods got their names

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A popular person or description of the scenery, cities and neighborhoods have a story to their naming. Let's investigate some of our favorites.
DFW Detours: 5 Scenic Getaways For A Memorable Long Weekend

DFW detours: 5 scenic getaways for a memorable long weekend

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Looking to explore other parts of the Lone Star State? Here are five of our favorite weekend getaways from Dallas-Fort Worth — plus what to do in each.
Boy Scouts of America name change

Boy Scouts of America changing name to more inclusive Scouting America

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The Boy Scouts of America is changing its name for the first time in its 114-year history and will become Scouting America.