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DFW - Courier Texas

How a Denton divorce could imperil IVF access in Texas

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A Denton couple fought for frozen embryos in a divorce and the conclusion hinged upon if the embryos were defined as human life.
DFW - Courier Texas

Here’s how 7 DFW cities and neighborhoods got their names

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A popular person or description of the scenery, cities and neighborhoods have a story to their naming. Let's investigate some of our favorites.
Here’s How Dallas Is Tackling The Emerald Ash Borer Infestation

Here’s how Dallas is tackling the Emerald Ash Borer infestation

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The City of Dallas has partnered with the Texas A&M Forest Service (TFS) and the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) on a citywide response to the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) populations. The efforts include monitoring, treatment of ash trees, and removal of infected trees that pose a public safety risk as part of the City […]
DFW - Courier Texas

Trump vows to reverse climate policies if Big Oil execs give him $1 billion

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Campaign finance experts have said that Trump’s request, while troubling, is probably legal. He could be liable, however, for violating campaign finance rules against candidates asking specific individuals to contribute more than the federal limit on campaign contributions.
DFW - Courier Texas

The super rich and big corporations to face more scrutiny from Biden’s IRS

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Using an infusion of funds provided by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, the IRS has already collected more than $520 million from 1,600 millionaires who had unpaid tax bills of more than $250,000.