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HARDGATE - Courier Texas

Riverfront Jazz Festival 2024: A star-studded Labor Day weekend in Dallas

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The 2024 TBAAL Riverfront Jazz Festival will take over downtown Dallas on Labor Day Weekend. Here's what you can expect.
HARDGATE - Courier Texas

7 movies filmed in Texas

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We’ve compiled a list of some of the most memorable movies that were filmed in Texas. Save this for your next weekend movie binge.
Autumn migrations: 8 beautiful birds to spot flying over Texas

Autumn migrations: 8 beautiful birds to spot flying over Texas

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It’s about that time of year when birds make their way south to warmer winter climates. Which feathered species can you see across Texas?
Top 10 spots for sandwiches in DFW

Top 10 spots for sandwiches in DFW

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August is National Sandwich Month, and there’s no better way to celebrate than stuffing your face at these 10 DFW spots.
Caelum Moor: About the supposedly satanic sculptures

Caelum Moor: About the supposedly satanic sculptures

Caelum Moor has had a tumultuous history and received its fair share of criticism over the years. Is it really rooted in witchcraft and Satanic rituals?