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Community - Courier Texas

10 of our favorite Dallas Public Library branches

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Take a tour of some of the top branches in the Dallas Public Library system, from elaborate artwork to special interactive events.
Community - Courier Texas

Dallas is looking for feedback to bring free WiFi to the city

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The City of Dallas is looking for feedback about the distribution of digital kiosks around the city that would provide free public WiFi to the community. The Department of Public Works will host two community meetings, one virtual and one in-person, to present the full proposal and invite community feedback.
Community - Courier Texas

Biden administration agrees to provide $6.4 billion to Samsung for making computer chips in Texas

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The Biden administration agreed to provide up to $6.4 billion for Samsung Electronics. The money will help develop a manufacturing and research cluster in TX.
Community - Courier Texas

Here’s everything you need to know about this month’s Mercury retrograde

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Mercury retrograde is happening through April 25 and this may have an impact on your life. Here's what you need to know about mercury retrograde.
Community - Courier Texas

Here’s where to find reproductive care resources in DFW

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Reproductive care resources can be found throughout the DFW area. Here's everything you need to know about reproductive care resources in DFW.