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Love local art? Follow our Dallas mural trail

Love local art? Follow our Dallas mural trail

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Dallas is ripe with stunning works of art. Our mural trail will ensure you get to see some of the best pieces the city has to offer.
Community - Courier Texas

The bigger the mum, the closer to God: How homecoming mums became important to Texas culture

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Here's the story of how homecoming mums came to be and what the tradition looks like today.
Community - Courier Texas

6 DFW run clubs for beginners and pros

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Whether you want to start running or are just looking for a community of folks to run with, check out our list of some clubs in the area.
Community - Courier Texas

Ken Paxton withdrew an opinion on gun bans weeks after suing Texas state fair for a similar restriction

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Attorney General Ken Paxton withdrew an eight-year-old legal opinion that gave private nonprofits the green light to ban guns on land they lease from a city.