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A masked customer browses the books on display in the Powell's City of Books store, the headquarters of Powell's in Portland, Oregon, during the COVID pandemic.

25 books publishing in 2025 that we can’t wait to read

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Numerous books are set to be published in 2025, but these are a few of our most anticipated reads. Here are our 25 books publishing in 2025 we can't wait to read.
10 Texas athletes who opened successful food & beverage businesses

10 Texas athletes who opened successful food & beverage businesses

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When the bright lights fade from their sporting events, these Texas athletes have found success in opening up businesses serving food and drinks.
A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that 30% of these anti-abortion ‘fake clinics’ promote "abortion pill reversal," a treatment that’s not backed by science and does not meet clinical standards. (AP Photo/Leah M. Willingham, File)

Crisis pregnancy centers give questionable advice on unproven ‘abortion pill reversal,’ study finds

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A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that 30% of these anti-abortion ‘fake clinics’ promote "abortion pill reversal," a treatment that’s not backed by science and does not meet clinical standards. 
Freeman Martin speaking

Texas’ new top cop pledges to secure southern border with Mexico

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Col. Freeman Martin was sworn in as the state's top cop on Monday, becoming the 14th director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Texas Lead Story - Courier Texas

9 spots for cozy winter camping in Texas

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With summer in the rearview mirror, these locations provide the perfect combination of adventure and relaxation, making them ideal for winter camping in Texas.