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A masked customer browses the books on display in the Powell's City of Books store, the headquarters of Powell's in Portland, Oregon, during the COVID pandemic.

25 books publishing in 2025 that we can’t wait to read

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Numerous books are set to be published in 2025, but these are a few of our most anticipated reads. Here are our 25 books publishing in 2025 we can't wait to read.

Sick of hidden fees on concert tickets and hotel stays? A new federal rule bans them.

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Now, live event businesses and hotels must clearly list their prices in both their advertising and pricing information.
Birth Control

Misinformation about birth control is rampant on social media, alarming doctors

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Doctors are concerned that misinformation about birth control might make some women get off it at a time when there are fewer options available for unintended pregnancies in the US.
17 quirky Texas festivals worth checking out in 2025

17 quirky Texas festivals worth checking out in 2025

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No matter where you are in the Lone Star State, you’re never too far from a few unusual festivals. Which ones will you visit this year?
STATE - Courier Texas

The most popular movies to stream right now

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Looking for something to watch? These are the most popular movies streaming right now.