Pat Kreitlow
The Founding Editor of UpNorthNews, Pat was a familiar presence on radio and TV stations in western Wisconsin before serving in the state Legislature. After a brief stint living in the Caribbean, Pat and wife returned to Chippewa Falls to be closer to their growing group of grandchildren. He now serves as UNN's chief political correspondent and host of UpNorthNews Radio, airing weekday mornings 6 a.m.-8 a.m on the Civic Media radio network and the UpNorthNews Facebook page.
Shawn Fain blasted Trump at the DNC on Monday night

Trump a CEO’s dream, worker’s nightmare, labor leaders warn at DNC

The heads of six unions spoke on the first night of the Democratic National Convention to list the many ways the Biden-Harris team has had workers’ backs and how Trump has been hostile to workers’ rights and prosperity.