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POLITICS - Courier Texas

A North Texas lawmaker wants to make book banning easier in schools

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Rep. Jared Patterson’s House Bill 183 would allow parents to request that the Texas State Board of Education review materials in public school libraries, challenging a book to be removed if they believe it to be inappropriate for the grade level or if it has “sexually explicit material.”
Freeman Martin speaking

Texas’ new top cop pledges to secure southern border with Mexico

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Col. Freeman Martin was sworn in as the state's top cop on Monday, becoming the 14th director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Gov. Greg Abbott clenching his fists

Texas approves Bluebonnet, its new Bible-infused curriculum for schools

The Texas Board of Education narrowly approved controversial new learning materials for schools after Gov. Greg Abbott rigged the vote.
Birth Control

Texas bill would reclassify abortion drugs as controlled substances

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A Louisiana law that reclassified abortion-inducing drugs as controlled substances has made it more difficult for doctors to treat a wide range of gynecological conditions, doctors say. Now, a similar proposal has been filed in Texas. Texas Rep. Pat Curry, a freshman Republican from Waco, said the intent of House Bill 1339 is to make […]
A shelf of books at Commonwealth Elementary School in Sugar Land, Texas

Meet Bluebonnet Learning, Texas’ Bible-infused curriculum for schools

The Texas Board of Education is poised to approve Bluebonnet Learning, a Bible-infused curriculum for elementary schools despite criticism that it’s factually inaccurate.