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texas - Courier Texas

A North Texas lawmaker wants to make book banning easier in schools

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Rep. Jared Patterson’s House Bill 183 would allow parents to request that the Texas State Board of Education review materials in public school libraries, challenging a book to be removed if they believe it to be inappropriate for the grade level or if it has “sexually explicit material.”
Freeman Martin speaking

Texas’ new top cop pledges to secure southern border with Mexico

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Col. Freeman Martin was sworn in as the state's top cop on Monday, becoming the 14th director of the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Texas Senator Bryan Hughes

Author of Texas abortion ban blames everyone but his law for women’s deaths

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State Sen. Bryan Hughes defended the Texas abortion ban he wrote just days after the end of an election cycle in which it was harshly criticized.
Man holds Texas flag with marijuana leaf replacing the star

Puff, puff, yes: Voters decriminalize weed in Dallas

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Proposition R, which decriminalizes weed in Dallas, passed on Tuesday. It prohibits Dallas cops from charging people with misdemeanor pot possession.