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DFW - Courier Texas

Dallas is looking for feedback to bring free WiFi to the city

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The City of Dallas is looking for feedback about the distribution of digital kiosks around the city that would provide free public WiFi to the community. The Department of Public Works will host two community meetings, one virtual and one in-person, to present the full proposal and invite community feedback.
DFW - Courier Texas

Dallas resident struggles to pay bills amid cost of living increases

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Dallas resident Jazzmine Crist hopes her local government and whoever wins Texas’ Senate race will actually start addressing the economic struggles that working-class Texans like her are experiencing.
DFW - Courier Texas

It’s official: Your boss has to give you time off to recover from childbirth or get an abortion

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Employees across the US will now have access to unpaid time off to recover from childbirth or to access an abortion. Here's what you need to know about the new Pregnant Workers Fairness Act changes.
DFW - Courier Texas

Trump says he’s pro-worker. His record says otherwise.

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Trump’s policies made more than eight million workers ineligible for overtime pay, allowed for the outsourcing and offshoring of American jobs, made it harder for workers to join a union, and failed to protect American workers during the pandemic.
DFW - Courier Texas

Biden administration agrees to provide $6.4 billion to Samsung for making computer chips in Texas

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The Biden administration agreed to provide up to $6.4 billion for Samsung Electronics. The money will help develop a manufacturing and research cluster in TX.