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Voting Info - Courier Texas

These offices are on Texas ballots this year

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Election season is just around the corner, and it’s likely you’ve heard about the big races, including the one for our next US president. But what about races that are local to Texas—and even DFW? There are actually tons of offices and positions on the ballot this November, and it may be surprising to hear […]
Voting Info - Courier Texas

How Texans with disabilities can vote in the November election

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Every polling place will offer at least one kind of accessible voting equipment for federal elections.
Voting Info - Courier Texas

How to register to vote in Texas

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Here's exactly how you can register to vote in Texas or check your voter registration status.
I Voted sticker on a branded elections background.

Here’s what to know about how we’re covering the 2024 elections

In our efforts to be a local news source you can trust, we wanted to share a little bit about how we’re thinking about our elections coverage this year—and every year, really. 
Voting Info - Courier Texas

How to vote on Election Day in Texas

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Here's how to plan for Election Day voting in Texas and what to expect.