Army criticizes Trump campaign for inappropriate conduct at Arlington National Cemetery
| August 30, 2024
When the cemetery's public affairs director attempted to prevent the Trump campaign from illegally filming in a prohibited area where recently deceased service members are buried, a member of Trump’s team pushed past the employee.

6 times Trump insulted US veterans
| June 25, 2024
Former president Donald Trump has a long history of clashing with military families and US veterans. The newly convicted felon, who famously evaded the Vietnam War draft, has even reportedly called slain US soldiers “losers” and “suckers.”

Trump allies are open to the idea of mandatory military service for teens
| June 17, 2024
Young Americans haven’t faced the possibility of a draft since 1973. If some in former president Donald Trump’s circle have a say, mandatory service could be back on the table.

Biden’s VA approves 1 million claims under burn pit law
| May 22, 2024
President Biden’s PACT Act was the most significant expansion of benefits and services for toxic exposed veterans in more than 30 years. The law aims to provide specific support to veterans who have been exposed to toxins, often from open burn pits that were located near where these US military members were stationed.

New VA program to help more than 40,000 veterans stay in their homes
| April 10, 2024
The program is an attempt to prevent foreclosure actions against former military members still experiencing financial hardship post-pandemic.